Where to start with converting a van into a camper: tips from a professional

We caught up with John from Bear Hug Campers - a van conversion workshop on the fringe of the South Downs National park to bring you expert insights on how to convert a van from concept to completion.

John is an all-round practical woodworker, metalworker and general problem solver and has been designing and creating projects for years. His campervan conversions are unique, filled with thoughtful design and attention to detail that will leave you feeling inspired - he’s even created a training school sharing how to do it yourself to the same high standard!

What inspired you to start converting camper vans professionally, and how did you get started in this industry?

I always knew I wanted to run my own business and over the years I turned all sorts of different hobbies into side hustles. I spent a good few months thinking about what I could do that would incorporate all of my interests and passions: photography, filmmaking, motorcycle building, fabrication, woodwork, DIY, web design, graphic design, the outdoors, workshops, tools, electrics, adventure... And then it hit me - campervan conversions!

I wanted the campervans to look incredible, that was my number 1 priority. They had to be functional, safe, and reliable - that goes without saying - but my focus beyond that was for each van conversion to look like a completely individual tiny home with a beautifully designed interior style. If I could do that, I’d be happy! 

So, I got a loan, bought a second-hand builder’s van, and set about starting converting it. I made a load of mistakes, poured more than a little blood and sweat into it (and a few solitary tears), got nearly through finishing it, and then landed my first commission! The rest, as they say, is history!

What are some key considerations people should keep in mind when deciding to convert a van into a camper, especially when it comes to choosing the right van, are there any popular models?

There are so many reasons people choose a campervan life, from a closer connection to nature to the ability to explore more easily. But whether you’re converting a van into a camper yourself or leaving it to the pros like us, finding the right self-build vehicle in the first place is part of the battle. 

What’s the best van to convert into a camper? That’s a tricky question! There are tons of size options out there for your van of choice. There are micro vans (such as the VW Caddy), small vans (VW Transporter), medium vans (like a medium wheelbase panel van) and much larger models. 

We think the best size van for a conversion combines a good level of drivability with space inside. Go too small, and you won’t have enough space in your campervan for everything you want. Go too big, and the vehicle will be challenging to manage.

For that reason, we generally recommend a medium wheelbase for a good balance of the two. If you’re planning to live in your camper full-time, however, a larger model might be more suitable for your needs. 

And that’s pretty much the core of this - it’s your van, so it needs to be designed to fit your needs.

How do you approach the design and layout of a camper van to maximise space and functionality while ensuring comfort for its occupants? Are there any tools you can recommend to help with this process?

Designing your perfect layout and style is exciting but it's easy to spend too long on this stage. This is where your vision truly takes shape, but the endless possibilities can sometimes be overwhelming. 

Picture who will be a part of your vanlife adventures. If you're planning for more than two people this will influence how you tailor the layout to include extra seats and beds. Then think about your priorities - what you need, what you really want and any ‘would be nice’ ideas too.

Now think about your living space. Do you lean towards an open, spacious feel that allows for easy movement, or do you prefer a cozy, snug layout that maximises every inch of the space with useful storage and amenities? Storage is undeniably a critical aspect of your campervan, but it shouldn't dictate the entire layout. Finding the right balance between accessible storage and living space is key.

Begin this stage by sketching a rough layout on paper using your chosen van for the initial floor measurements. Once you've got your needs roughly sketched in place you'll see what space you have left. Now look again at your priorities list and place the remaining few things in the available space. You can experiment with moving these around to see what you prefer. Keep it simple and remember that at this stage, nothing is set in stone! 

Can you walk us through the typical process of converting a campervan, from initial concept to completion?

Converting your own van can be daunting. There are so many ideas out there which can become overwhelming. The best thing to do is to take it a step at a time and have a really good plan. Collect images of conversions you like, decor, materials layouts and then create a moodboard. From here you will get an idea of the style of van you would like as well as where everything is going to go. Then try to stick to it! :)

Once you have your plan and layout, it’s about making sure you order the right parts. Keeping a list and ticking it off helps make sure you have the right parts at the right time, you don’t have to get them all at the start. 

Now you’re ready to start with the messy jobs, such as cutting into your van, windows, vents and service points, and anything going under the van. Then we work at getting it to a “shell” stage which is everything up to and including the walls and ceiling.

Once the shell is ready then you can start on the woodwork, building units, fixing the bed, making your wetroom (if you’re having one) and installing all the services. 

Finally, you are on the home stretch, painting and the finishing touches, such as ceiling battens, window frames, flooring, cupboard doors and soft furnishings. 

The very last thing to do is test it out and enjoy it!

What are some common pitfalls or challenges that DIY campervan builders may face during the conversion process, and how can they overcome them?

Doing things in the right order is a game-changer when it comes to van conversions. It's hands-down the best way to steer clear of common blunders, saving you time, money, and a ton of headaches.

Some of the stages are more destructive than others, e.g. cutting holes in your van or glueing things together.

It can be tricky not to get swept up in the excitement of designing your van and start adding too many features leading to overcrowding and over complicating the layout. This is when that list of priorities is super important!

Not planning wire runs, pipe runs, points etc can cause big headaches further down the line - you can’t redo a hole in the van wall! If you list all the utilities that you’re putting in, all the connections one by one and then draw them all out on paper, this will help avoid some costly mistakes.

Also important is to remember the space underneath the van to help overcrowding on the inside and saving you valuable space.

Another pitfall, or should I say rabbit hole… Youtube! Whilst being a great source of information, it doesn’t actually cover everything and it can be difficult to know whether it’s good advice or not. Finding a trusted source that incorporates every aspect of the van build is vital. That’s what we have managed to create with our Van Conversion Training School. Structured videos to save valuable YouTube trawling time, weekly group video calls with me to ask questions and seek individualised advice, downloads and documents to help you stay organised and on budget and finally, the secret sauce, community access with other group members to share your progress and learn from each other.

Approaching a van conversion can feel daunting. What advice do you have for those feeling overwhelmed by the technical aspects of converting a campervan on their own?

The key to this is keeping it simple - it’s that simple! Don’t compare your setup to professionals, it is 100% possible to convert a van with the basics, it might take a bit longer but it is definitely achievable.

You don’t need a workshop! A driveway or garage for cutting wood is great, but you can do it on a quiet side road or maybe find a friend or family member that has a driveway. Keep your setup minimal, and use battery powered tools.

Although it’s important to do smart planning before you start your build, it doesn’t have to be elaborate and over complicated. And it can feel incredibly daunting but at some point, you just have to get going and the easiest way to do that is to force yourself to take the first small step, and then it usually snowballs from there and before you know it, you’re going!

Converting a van takes a long time, but if you’re consistent with the time you put into it then you’ll make consistent progress, even if it’s a small amount of regular time.

Set aside however long you can each week and try to stick to it. Keep it manageable and realistic and you’ll get there.

It is absolutely possible to convert a van on your own! Some parts might be tricky, holding up large pieces of wood for example but that’s what clamps are for! To do it without any other support is very hard though. Converting a van is a big project and can go on for a long time. You need accountability and motivation, both individual and from a community and then you also have people to reach out to for help and advice. These are the absolute deal breakers that will get you over the finish line.

What are some budget-friendly tips or hacks for individuals looking to convert a van into a camper without breaking the bank?

Keeping your designs more simple than you might think can really help, especially with electrics which can be very expensive. You can always leave some space to upgrade things later down the line.

It's a smart move to spread out the financial load of ordering parts and materials. Buying everything in one go can put a dent in your wallet. 

Also, plans tend to evolve as you spend time working on something so it's wise to acquire items in stages as your project unfolds.

And anything that can be retro fitted, such as an awning, can be left until a lot later on when you’ve saved up some more cash but can be happily using your van in the meantime.

What resources or sources of inspiration do you recommend for individuals embarking on their own campervan conversion journey?

Inspiration can be found in many different places such as Pinterest and Instagram, but look further afield than just other campers. Look at interior design, kitchens, cabins, colours, materials etc. And remember that everything always looks better on a small photo on your phone!

As I’ve mentioned earlier, our Van Conversion Training School is also a great place to seek inspiration and advice, from a community of like-minded and friendly people who are more than happy to share their sources of inspiration along with invaluable advice and support.

Lastly, looking back on your own experiences, what would you say are the most rewarding aspects of building your own campervan, and what advice would you offer to others looking to convert a van themselves?

Hands down, the most rewarding aspect of building your own van is the pride in knowing you did it! You will have created your dream van from start to finish, exactly how you want it.

When you get in the van after a day at work, whether it is just going out in the van for dinner in the countryside, or a night away, or even a longer holiday, knowing everything is how you want it, where you want it and it works for you, does make you feel a little smug. Then when people comment on your van, the pride in saying that you built it is second to none. 

Recently a student told me that they had spent a fair amount of money on a night at a hotel for a family birthday celebration, and the first thing they thought when they got there was, “my van is nicer than this”. Having spent so much time carefully thinking about the finish of their van and creating their own oasis, staying anywhere else suddenly isn’t as nice. The pride they had in creating something much nicer than a hotel, that they could take with them around the country and abroad was amazing. 

The Van Conversion Training School is your secret weapon in getting you through your very own camper conversion, from starting to getting out on adventures! 

  • We walk you through our entire process used on our professionally built campervans so you can follow along with the training content and convert your own van into an incredible campervan.

  • You’ll have group support and be on video calls with John from Bear Hug Campers every week to help you through the tricky bits of your build.

  • You’ll be part of a small, closed community of members to share and learn from each other, experiencing the process with like-minded people who are all converting their own vans.

In short, you’ll gain the understanding and the exact guidance of how to convert your own van safely, to your spec, in your style and to a high quality.

Bryony Melhuish

Creative brand + web studio for businesses that want to go place.


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